Liquid Chlorophyll – Ever Great!
Liquid Chlorophyll is one of our favorite nutritional supplements to add to any tea or juice. Most chlorophyll products on the market are chemically altered to make them more assailable. Our Source Company takes the chlorophyll, which is oil soluble, and binds or chelates it to minerals such as iron and zinc. This process makes it water soluble and easy for your body to assimilate, yet it does not change the chemical make-up of the chlorophyll.
Liquid Chlorophyll And A Healthy Pregnancy.
Many mothers-to-be use Liquid Chlorophyll to keep their hemoglobin levels high all the way to delivery and as a part of their postpartum recovery. One RN midwife took a woman’s blood sample twice because she could not believe how high her iron level was in the third trimester!
At 43 years young, ES not only kept her iron levels up by drinking a half a vial a day during the first two trimesters and a full vial during the last trimester, but she astounded her doctor by giving birth to a healthy boy in only three pushes. ES was also eating the Nutritional Herbal Supplements foundational Nourish/Balance/Cleanse program. Many people have said there is no comparison between a pregnancy with herbal supplements and concentrates and one without. Super nutrition greatly reduces some of the problems associated with pregnancy.
The Blood Builder & Cleanser Drink
Take 8 to 16 oz. cool drink of Herbal Tea Formula C, 1 vial of Liquid Chlorophyll,and a delicious teaspoon of Herbal Formula VF.
Chlorophyll is a necessary element in plants for the process of manufacturing carbohydrates and sugars from inorganic material. Iron, also found in green plants, helps the body build blood from chlorophyll. Chlorophyll’s chemical makeup is very close to hemoglobin’s. Where chlorophyll has a magnesium particle, hemoglobin has an iron particle. However, plants also change iron into a form that can be assimilated by the body. All this makes for healthy blood and a healthy body.
Please contact us for help in ordering!