Dong Quai
Commonly called Angelica, Dong Quai is considered the “queen of all female herbs” Its name means “compelled to return.” This is an herbal tonic that all women should consider using.
There are so many benefits to taking Dong Quai:
- Name refers to it’s ability to restore women to proper balance
- Can strengthen the smooth muscles in the body (men and women)
- Improves blood circulation
- Helps blood become rich in nutrients and oxygen
- Nourishes the body’s production of hormones
- Known as the best tonic herb
- Our source for Dong Quai offers a strong concentrate
- For centuries the Chinese observed the power of the plant to open blocked passageways throughout the body
- Alleviates hot flashes in menopause
- Good for female problems
- Exceptionally rich in vitamin A, B-12, E
- Helps the body to balance itself
- Shows anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-fungal activities
- Many women take Dong Quai for the balancing of their hormones
- Helps to strengthen all internal organs and muscles
- Nourishes female glands
- Eliminates menstrual disorders
- Regulates menstruation
- Helps to rebuild blood
- Improves conditions in the mother before and after the birth of a baby
- Helpful for recovery from a stroke
- Good for calming nerves
- Good for toothache
- Helpful for recovery from internal bleeding or body bruises
- Works-on the immune system
- Do not take the product during your period
DONG QUAI is best known as an herb that can strengthen the body’s response to female problems. But studies suggest that it may also improve blood circulation and help the blood become richer in both nutrients and oxygen. Anciently, Dong Quai was identified as helpful in nourishing the body’s production of hormones. Today, it is also one of the best known tonic herbs. Our source for Dong Quai is pure and concentrated. This process enhances all of the nutritious properties of the herb, and enables the body to assimilate and then utilize those nutrients much easier.
Herbalist Magazine published an in-depth article about Dong Quai in the August, 1977 issue which still offers some insight into this beneficial plant. Here are a few selected highlights from that article:
- There are various tonic herbs that can maintain the proper balance needed in ovarian function. One of the best may be the chinese herb Dong Quai, known also in China as Tang Kuei, and commonly called Angelica. It is considered to be the “queen of all female herbs.” Its name means “compelled to return”, which is a reference to its ability to restore a woman to normalcy and to maintain proper balance.
For centuries, the Orientals have maintained that this plant may have the power to open blocked passageways throughout the body and alleviate hot flashes. and female problems. Research shows that Dong Quai is exceptionally rich in vitamins A, B-12 and E. These nutrients, among others, feed the body, thus enabling the body to balance itself.
Try our Dong Quai formula. You can add it to your mid life health regime and thrive into your fifties, sixties and beyond. Contact us to order!